Saturday was a day of adventure! Ben was duck hunting, so Mark & Debra invited me to ride on the airboats for some fun until we all met up at Paul & Kim's later! They found this slew last weekend, and wanted to see if we could get some more of it cut out, we wanted to see where it came from!

Only an
airboat could look at all these obstacles and see it as an adventure waiting for us!

Duck and Ruby decided to leave their boat at the mouth and ride back with us
(Good thing Ben wasn't hunting Duck down the river today!)

They brought all their necessities, Scratch, the beer, the
Pepsi- but left the whiskey. Duck won't go too far without that!

Mark and Dale lead the way, cutting limbs as they went, and Duck took one for the team to stay behind with the women.

The boys parked a little later, and yelled out that they found a "pot of gold" so we got out with the treasure dog to see what we could see.

We found the guys! But no treasure yet...

Here come Duck, Debra, & Ruby. They were going around all the mushy parts.

The light at the end of the tunnel, I see water!

Everyone found the spring.

The spring went two ways, out the left and out the right (the way we were coming in)

The bottom was blue, b-e-a-

You could see the water actually coming up in two spots, one on our bank and out closer to the middle.

The boat would have had to come through all this to get there...maybe one day it will make it.

Headed back to the boats (we didn't know there was more treasure left to find) and we didn't want Dale to be late going to get Janice!

Which way are the boats Ruby?!
No, not that way- you better follow Dale...

Mark, Dale, Debra... venturing on toward the boat
(The beers needed replacing by this point)

Moonshine anyone?!
This old still was the coolest part of the adventure. There were at least a dozen of these gallon 'shine jars layin around. Someone left in a BIG hurry, and this time I doubt it was the Indians.

I don't really like this picture, but here is another of the still.

The jars were everywhere! It was really cool!

Mark was instructed to fetch one, a

Ruby and I rode out with Dale, we almost tipped over once...certainly not the "safe boat" but it was fun! haha. Again, look at all the stuff we were able to ride through, that just amazes me.
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