We had a pretty relaxing break for the Thanksgiving Holiday. They had put several deer in the river while they were running dogs, so Ben and Daniel thought it would be a great idea to hunt from the boat! No one bothered to look at the weather....

We caught up with Glen and April while they were trying to catch some fish, I don't think they had much luck, but neither did we...haha. Good to see them though!

Trying to hear Q-Ball on the radio, it worked a few times, but not much.

Want to see Ben White squeal and jump towards the back of the boat?!
Say "Watch that snake!"
We pulled up on 2 snakes, and Ben was one nervous man.

We got
soaked Saturday afternoon, but after Tyler bailed the boat out Sunday morning Daniel was ready to go again!

The boat was not ready though... as hard as Daniel yanked on it, it did NOT want to start!

Uh oh, Ben was cooking something up!

Here Daniel, pour some gasoline on the filter, that should give it a boost...

Yea...Gasoline doesn't like Dixie cups

The boys got hot trying to get it going, they had to shed their jackets!

Tyler doesn't look convinced, but finally Ben and I left them to it, told them we were going to ride around in the truck (so we wouldn't get wet again) and race them to see how much stuff we could shoot...

Uncle Richard's camp, had to leave a note about Daniel's boat trailer

We rode over to the East side, and ran across "Dam Tram", I just thought it was funny

We needed to check out the other side of this road...just in case the big buck was hanging out over there

We saw some very pretty scenery, but as for shooting things- we were -5, saw 4 standing does and one more doe that Jeremy's dogs were running. We didn't feel so bad though, Daniel and Tyler gave up on the boat, rode around in the truck some too, they were at -3, saw 3 turkeys but couldn't get a shot. haha.
Not a very productive day.

One of the only live things we saw all day, this teeny frog.
He was cute but I didn't need to kiss him.
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