These are pictures from my photography class, the ones with very little editing. Most of these are just as they were from my camera with just a color/lighting change here and there. There are no "physical" changes to the subjects in the pictures, nothing is added or removed.
Ben and Deisel on our dove huntin' trip, my handsome boys, I love this one.
I made some cookies for Loran's birthday, and proceeded to take tons of pictures of them for class. Haha. I manipulated the background a little here, didn't add it, but this cookie was on a green counter, I changed it to look like tinfoil with photoshop magic.
One of our assignments was here is what I found (had to be done at school, or I could have found way more interesting rusty things around home!)
Just inverted some of the colors here, this is another of those heart cookies, from the side on a cooling rack...see it?!

I don't remember what this assignment was, but I like this one. The old with the new.

My sweet Mary Jane...I just shot this one while I was doing some other stuff. I did turn it in with my digital portfolio though.

Cookies again! Just changed the hue for some extra magenta... I was very proud of those cookies. haha

This one is actually a scan, and these are....
No manipulation just scanned and zoomed in.
Old with the new again, my sister's Ipod on my Mom's record player.
Ya'll might recognize this one...John and Amanda's wedding cake! I did a few where I changed the colors of the rose and the ribbon, but I always liked this original one best.

And this was my "Ultimate Hunting" picture. Haha, all the ammo, the gun, the handheld, the orange vest, and of COURSE the huntin' truck. Sums it all up.
Well...and Ben.
He's my favorite part anyway *wink*
Very cool pics. I'm glad you decided to start posting again (hehe). Always look forward to your new ones.