Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Digital Collage

These images were also turned in for my photography class, but it was a Digital Photography course so we did a lot of work with Photoshop. Each of these pictures started out as a photograph from my camera or a scan of an older picture, and was then combined with elements from other pictures I had taken or a few things from the internet. I liked how they turned out actually.
Inspired in part by Julienne Kost (http://www.jkost.net/) at least as far as the textures.
"Frog Prince"
Caught this teensy frog while I was dog huntin with Ben in the rain one Sunday, he really was this small, I didn't manipulate that. I instantly thought of a piece of advice my Daddy gave me on relationships about a year ago- "You may have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince, but you don't have to kiss their butts!"
"My Angel"
This is a scan of a picture of my Nana from her highschool years, it is one of my favorite pictures of her. The wings were from the internet, lol, and the dots that you will notice as 'texture' in the background are actually from a set of pictures I took of the Christmas lights that were hung on the camping trip in Goose Pasture.

"Sweet & Salty Kiss"
The original picture is from my parent's wedding day, scanned it in, added the mermaid elements to my mom (tail and starfish from the internet) and the 'texture' in the background is a picture I took of some water in my cousin's pool.

"Itty Bitty Baby"
This base image is fungus on the same log where I found that tiny frog. I erased one of the bugs from the top mushroom but I liked the little spider there for scale. The fairy is from a scanned image of me when I was about 3 years old, and again the butterfly wings are from the internet (though I did edit them a bit too, they were blue). And the 'texture' in the background {I was really into that for this project} is brown cypress leaves.

"Waukeenah Castle"
The base image is in Neil Buzbee's yard, the sunset sky. This castle is really somewhere in Scotland, and I added "Winged Victory" (statue on the left) as she is my favorite classical statue in Italy. The background 'texture' is (maple?!) leaves from out on the lease somewhere.

The base image here was just this flower from the internet, it isn't really one of my favorites. The subjects are from a scanned photo of me and my mom a long time ago, the wings are also from the internet. The 'texture' is still here, some kind of plant that turned to sticks in the cold that I saw while I was dove huntin'.

"Cow baby"
The base image is another scan of a photo of me when I was a baby (I was working on another project at the time, the photos of me were just available). The wings were chosen from the internet. And the texture is from some fuzzy plant that we sat near when we were dove hunting a few weeks ago.

"Beach Bum"
A scanned image of my Nana in her younger days, the image was black and white. Added the tint, added the blue wings (internet), and made her bathing suit & sunglasses green for contrast. The texture is a picture I took down at Paul and Kims of some daisies in the ditch.

"Dancing with Daddy"
The base is a photo of the little pond on the lease behind Ben's house, the subjects are me and Daddy dancing in Nana's kitchen Thanksgiving 2007. The wings were again chosen from the internet, but the original image was two flat wings, it was a challenge to get them to look attached to my back at that angle. And the texture is from a pine tree, see all the needles?!

Photography - Originals

These are pictures from my photography class, the ones with very little editing. Most of these are just as they were from my camera with just a color/lighting change here and there. There are no "physical" changes to the subjects in the pictures, nothing is added or removed.
Ben and Deisel on our dove huntin' trip, my handsome boys, I love this one.

I made some cookies for Loran's birthday, and proceeded to take tons of pictures of them for class. Haha. I manipulated the background a little here, didn't add it, but this cookie was on a green counter, I changed it to look like tinfoil with photoshop magic.

One of our assignments was Rust...so here is what I found (had to be done at school, or I could have found way more interesting rusty things around home!)

Just inverted some of the colors here, this is another of those heart cookies, from the side on a cooling rack...see it?!

I don't remember what this assignment was, but I like this one. The old with the new.

My sweet Mary Jane...I just shot this one while I was doing some other stuff. I did turn it in with my digital portfolio though.

Cookies again! Just changed the hue for some extra magenta... I was very proud of those cookies. haha

This one is actually a scan, and these are....
No manipulation just scanned and zoomed in.

Old with the new again, my sister's Ipod on my Mom's record player.
Ya'll might recognize this one...John and Amanda's wedding cake! I did a few where I changed the colors of the rose and the ribbon, but I always liked this original one best.
And this was my "Ultimate Hunting" picture. Haha, all the ammo, the gun, the handheld, the orange vest, and of COURSE the huntin' truck. Sums it all up.
Well...and Ben.
He's my favorite part anyway *wink*

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I graduated from TCC (technically Friday 12/12/08) but we didn't get final grades until today!

I know it is just TCC, but I can't help being a little ecstatic to finally be finished with another part of school- the end is near! haha.

The plan is to start FSU in the Summer (they are full for the Spring), get my BS in...something...and be finished with school!

Anyway, this is my lame excuse for not posting last week, I was studying for exams. But that's over now. I think I may put up some stuff from my photo class later in the week.

Love ya'll! ♥

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Break

We had a pretty relaxing break for the Thanksgiving Holiday. They had put several deer in the river while they were running dogs, so Ben and Daniel thought it would be a great idea to hunt from the boat! No one bothered to look at the weather....
We caught up with Glen and April while they were trying to catch some fish, I don't think they had much luck, but neither did we...haha. Good to see them though!

Trying to hear Q-Ball on the radio, it worked a few times, but not much.

Want to see Ben White squeal and jump towards the back of the boat?!
Say "Watch that snake!"
We pulled up on 2 snakes, and Ben was one nervous man.

We got soaked Saturday afternoon, but after Tyler bailed the boat out Sunday morning Daniel was ready to go again!

The boat was not ready though... as hard as Daniel yanked on it, it did NOT want to start!

Uh oh, Ben was cooking something up!

Here Daniel, pour some gasoline on the filter, that should give it a boost...

Yea...Gasoline doesn't like Dixie cups

The boys got hot trying to get it going, they had to shed their jackets!

Tyler doesn't look convinced, but finally Ben and I left them to it, told them we were going to ride around in the truck (so we wouldn't get wet again) and race them to see how much stuff we could shoot...

Uncle Richard's camp, had to leave a note about Daniel's boat trailer

We rode over to the East side, and ran across "Dam Tram", I just thought it was funny

We needed to check out the other side of this road...just in case the big buck was hanging out over there

We saw some very pretty scenery, but as for shooting things- we were -5, saw 4 standing does and one more doe that Jeremy's dogs were running. We didn't feel so bad though, Daniel and Tyler gave up on the boat, rode around in the truck some too, they were at -3, saw 3 turkeys but couldn't get a shot. haha.
Not a very productive day.

One of the only live things we saw all day, this teeny frog.
He was cute but I didn't need to kiss him.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Dove shoot, 11.23.2008

Daddy called Ben and then me to see if we wanted to go dove hunting, which of course we did!
Can't remember the name of their "club" but Mr. John Rogers is who always calls us, he is fantastic!

My brother Stanton, he is almost 10. A light of my life, this kid is HILARIOUS.

Yea, Daddy has on GREEN boots and the matching belt, he dyed them himself. It didn't quite turn out the right color, but he loves them anyway. Haha

Watching for the doves...

Stanton walked across to visit us, he was bored

Deisel was watching the wrong way...oh well.

Now he gets it! Ben shot one here, but a hawk swooped down and got it before we could send Deisel to it!

Just shells, I was entertaining myself with the camera

Ben shot another one for Deisel, this time he got to "Fetch it up"

Yum, I was so excited about this picture of him licking his chops. haha

So then this dove flew up and landed on the line before Ben could get a shot at him!

He didn't care about us a bit! We rustled around, hooted & hollered, waved at him, whistled at him...nothing. Eventually he turned around to completely ignore us!

Then Ben shot at another dove flying by and he STILL didn't move off the line! He was there for literally at least 10 minutes. He didn't even care when I walked out toward him!

Ben, with Deisel waiting between his feet.

Finally Stanton walked out and scared the dove up off the line! Deisel took off to get him too!

Stanton wanted to see him up close...eww

Daddy and Mr. John! We had such a good time!

Our "crew", this is where my new profile picture came from.
So we shot 3, took home a grand total of 3 (someone gave us the one he got)...
I'm not really sure what you do with 3 dove. Does that even make a whole meal?!
Stanton was tired!!! It was a good day!