These images were also turned in for my photography class, but it was a Digital Photography course so we did a lot of work with Photoshop. Each of these pictures started out as a photograph from my camera or a scan of an older picture, and was then combined with elements from other pictures I had taken or a few things from the internet. I liked how they turned out actually.
Inspired in part by Julienne Kost ( at least as far as the textures.
Caught this teensy frog while I was dog huntin with Ben in the rain one Sunday, he really was this small, I didn't manipulate that. I instantly thought of a piece of advice my Daddy gave me on relationships about a year ago- "You may have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince, but you don't have to kiss their butts!"
This is a scan of a picture of my Nana from her highschool years, it is one of my favorite pictures of her. The wings were from the internet, lol, and the dots that you will notice as 'texture' in the background are actually from a set of pictures I took of the Christmas lights that were hung on the camping trip in Goose Pasture.

The original picture is from my parent's wedding day, scanned it in, added the mermaid elements to my mom (tail and starfish from the internet) and the 'texture' in the background is a picture I took of some water in my cousin's pool.

This base image is fungus on the same log where I found that tiny frog. I erased one of the bugs from the top mushroom but I liked the little spider there for scale. The fairy is from a scanned image of me when I was about 3 years old, and again the butterfly wings are from the internet (though I did edit them a bit too, they were blue). And the 'texture' in the background {I was really into that for this project} is brown cypress leaves.

The base image is in Neil Buzbee's yard, the sunset sky. This castle is really somewhere in Scotland, and I added "Winged Victory" (statue on the left) as she is my favorite classical statue in Italy. The background 'texture' is (maple?!) leaves from out on the lease somewhere.

The base image is another scan of a photo of me when I was a baby (I was working on another project at the time, the photos of me were just available). The wings were chosen from the internet. And the texture is from some fuzzy plant that we sat near when we were dove hunting a few weeks ago.
A scanned image of my Nana in her younger days, the image was black and white. Added the tint, added the blue wings (internet), and made her bathing suit & sunglasses green for contrast. The texture is a picture I took down at Paul and Kims of some daisies in the ditch.
The base is a photo of the little pond on the lease behind Ben's house, the subjects are me and Daddy dancing in Nana's kitchen Thanksgiving 2007. The wings were again chosen from the internet, but the original image was two flat wings, it was a challenge to get them to look attached to my back at that angle. And the texture is from a pine tree, see all the needles?!