Two weeks ago when Ben was just getting started at his new hay venture we went to Thomasville to get some info on a few pieces of equipment. He was looking at a bailer and a rake (I think...) but I just went along for the ride...and I love old farm equipment so I couldn't resist pictures...

This is a Kill-Dee, the loudest
dadgum bird EVER, let me tell you.

Love this little old tractor...

Old and the New

Here's what she is
hollerin about, see that egg tucked under there?

I guess if you are going to lay on the ground you have to be loud to make sure no one steps on it.

Does this look like an ideal setting to you? I mean what happens when it hatches there?!

Tricked her into coming after me (scary) so that I could get a picture of just the egg.

See it? Good
I really am surprised it wasn't fried though, those rocks were SO hot! I'd hate to be that baby bird when it hatches!!!

Doesn't this look kinda scary?! I don't know what this is or does...but it looks kinda neat, in a "grind your bones to make my bread" way.

Above another old tractor.

Steering wheel to the left, gear shift off center...then the tractor.

Birds will nest ANYWHERE! I mean, this isn't on the ground but seems just as hot and just as precarious...maybe this is a bachelor bird who isn't home during the day and doesn't plan on kids...
I really, really enjoyed this post. The old tractors are cool, reminds me of my old farmer grandpa's. The bird is awesome, I would never have seen that egg if you did not point it out. (ain't that some good grammer)