Monday, February 2, 2009

Still running the Races

Ben had never been to the Races, so we wanted to show him on Saturday.
It is a beautiful place, but he immediately wanted to go to the other side!

Decided wading across wasn't the best bet, he came on back.

This log looked like a good idea but didn't reach all the way across. Maybe next time (when it's warm) we'll swim here.

This tree is pretty much eating the rock. Just thought I would cool?!


  1. Lydia, your pictures are always really good but some of these are better than good. That class sure paid off for you. I love the different angles, especially the cypress tree from the bottom up. WOW! Thanks for posting the pig photos, I told that story at work today and without the photos I don't think anyone would have believed me. janice

  2. Thank you thank you! It's so great to get the encouragement from you- your pictures are always so great, even when they are of weird caterpillars in your yard!
    I told the pig story today too, I have never been so glad for pictures- no one would have believed me either!
