It would take forever to try to put in to words what is so great about Ben...but the best thing he has going for ME!
Hahahahahahaha, JUST KIDDING.
But seriously, I couldn't ask for a better guy! He is that sweet, do-anything-for-you, hard headed, completely silly boy that I never knew I needed. He's perfect (but don't tell him)
Anyway, that's enough of the sappy stuff...I found some of my favorite [recent] pictures of Ben, and I'm posting them for our anniversary today. Haha.

He's dangerous!

I was going to freeze on a winter boat ride, can't let that happen...

Ben's coveralls...

So he doesn't walk on water...but he does a lot of walking IN it.

Getting reeled in by the wench on Mark & Debra's jeep

He is even laughing while he pulls his phone out of the river!

Swinging at my Papa's house on Easter Sunday...silly.

Chef Boyardee, this is the teeny grill he mounted on the bed of the huntin truck.

I ♥ my Ben

He really is a goober...I guess it's wearing off a little picture-wise.

After-party of Tonya & Jeremy's wedding
I hate that this one blurred...he's actually SMILING! Dang!

Hahahahaha, this is what he gets for never taking good pictures like I ask. I like it of me though, so he'll just have to deal.

His birthday was this past weekend took 10 tries to get this picture. lol.